World’s Greatest Shave

On Thursday, 16 March the College came together to support the World’s Greatest Shave which helps fund vital research so more people can survive blood cancers like lymphoma, leukaemia and myeloma. Health & Phys Ed teacher Mischa Beyeler volunteered to shave his curly locks for the cause and the student who donated the most could choose a hair style that Mischa has to wear for the following week.
Congratulations to Mischa and the College community for achieving over his target of $1000. To date, Mischa has received $1,144 in online donations, as well as over $1245 raised during the Mentor and Lunch activities = $2389.00. All MSC students are to be congratulated for their involvement and participation on the day and getting into the spirit of the event. The College ran sausage sizzles, hair braiding, leg waxing and hair colouring as well as some yummy treats to buy.
The College would like to thank the Health Committee, Student Services, Home Economics, Admin Team, Student Councillors, Art Department and Mentor teachers for their contribution towards the event. Thanks to Lizzie Lysons and her music students for their performances throughout the event and Brodey Foster and for taking photos on the day.