Student Support
Student Services
Student Services staff at Mindarie Senior College are a varied team, here to help and assist in the development of sound emotional, physical, spiritual, social and psychological health. Each member of the team has a specific role as outlined below.
Student Services staff focus on early intervention to assist students in need. The staff work interchangeably if required and will refer to external agencies if considered suitable. Staff are available to meet students, parents and caregivers confidentially.
Student Services staff include:
Sarah Bentley – Student Services Manager
Gemma Graffin – College Counsellor
Julie West – Community Health Nurse
Kathy Rigby – Student Support Officer
Andrea Talbot – Attendance Officer
Tamrah Peacock – Chaplain
Ritz Lillywhite & Lesley Morrow – Year 12 Leaders
Kath Gilbert & Julia Lee – Year 11 Leaders
For general enquiries or if you are unable to reach the person you are hoping to contact, please contact Student Services reception on 6207 5519 or via email Mindarie.SC.StudentServices@education.wa.edu.au.
Events managed by Student Services include: Mentor Program, Transition from Year 10, Year 11 Orientation, Colours Evenings, College Ball, Year 12 Farewell Breakfast, Presentation Evening and Year 11 Reward Camp.
Student Support is also offered by Mrs Naomi Lucas in the area of academic support and Tracey Loughnan in the area of careers information.
Student Resources
Headspace – provides face to face or online information and support to young people, their families and friends on various topics (e.g. mental and physical health, alcohol and other drug services, work, school, study).
Youth Beyond Blue – information for young people on depression, anxiety and how to help a friend.
Lifeline – 131 114 – free confidential counselling 24 hours.
Urgent Mental Health Telephone Support for Children and Families – 1800 048 636 – 24 hour phone support for children/ young people up to 18 years and their families. Mental Health crisis assessment, support and referral.
Academic Support
The Academic Support Program at Mindarie Senior College is a unique program as it aims to enable all students to achieve to their full potential. For some students this will mean intensive support on a regular basis, whilst others will require assistance to enhance already sophisticated learning techniques and writing skills. As such, the Academic Support Program is multi-faceted and includes the following features;
The Academic Support staff also includes a team of dedicated education assistants who work with students with disabilities in mainstream classes.
Please contact the Academic Support Coordinator, Mrs Naomi Lucas on 6207 5500 for any further queries.