Introduction to Courses at Mindarie Senior College
At Mindarie, we offer well-resourced and rigorous courses to prepare students for their life after senior secondary schooling. Our teachers are specialists in their field, some with over 20 years-experience in teaching Senior School Curriculum and working with Senior Students. Our core business is supporting students as they transition from middle school to their bright and fulfilling futures; our aim is for every student to reach their potential at the end of their two years with us.
Transitioning from Year 10 is an exciting time. Studying at the senior level means that students are expected to take greater responsibility for their decisions. At Mindarie, students will be supported to follow their interests and reach their individual potential.
Two types of study pathways are offered at the College:
Students study six (6) courses in Year 11 and six (6) course equivalents in Year 12. To ensure a solid foundation for their achievement, students should choose courses that they will continue to study for the two years. Once a student has commenced their program of study, course changes are discouraged and usually only considered in the case of a student being in a program of study where they find it too challenging to result in success.
ATAR Pathway Courses (direct entry to University)
These courses are examined externally for the purposes of university entrance. We recommended that students aiming for university entrance study a minimum of five ATAR courses in Year 11 and subsequently the corresponding five ATAR courses in Year 12. This ensures a solid foundation of knowledge and best prepares them for the WACE examinations.
For ATAR courses studied in Year 12, in addition to the grade (determined, as above, by the College), students will receive an external assessment based on 50% of a mark submitted by the College (covering Year 12 work only) and 50% of the mark attained in the external exam.
Unacceptable Course Combinations – ATAR Courses
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority advises that students cannot use the following course combinations in calculating an ATAR. It may be possible to do both courses, but this will result in only one being used in the calculation of an ATAR.
General Pathway Courses
These courses are assessed at the College level. General students sit one Externally Set Task, per subject The School Curriculum and Standards Authority in Year 12 for moderation purposes. These courses do not contribute to direct university entrance eligibility but can contribute to alternate entry to university. Although some courses stand-alone each year, it is recommended that students select a course to study over the two years; it can be difficult to pick up a new course in Year 12 if the foundation knowledge has not been developed in Year 11.
Unacceptable Course Combinations – General Courses
You cannot use the following course combinations towards WACE (only one will count towards the achievement of WACE:
You cannot use both the General and ATAR course towards WACE.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
These courses are governed by the Australian Quality Training Framework and do not contribute to direct university entrance eligibility. Successful completion of these courses is an advantage for students who are aiming to apply for further training pathways (e.g. TAFE/Registered Training Organisations) and may be an advantage for students applying for alternative entry pathways to university (e.g. University Preparation at Edith Cowan University.) For information on alternative pathways to university, please contact individual universities directly.
Course Choices
When choosing courses:
Languages Other Than English
Due to the variety of LOTE courses studied at previous schools attended by our students, a stand-alone LOTE course does not run at Mindarie Senior College.
Course Enrolment Process for Year 11
The aim for Mindarie Senior College students is that they enrol in the course that best suits their interests, abilities, commitment and future pathways. Year 11 students will enrol, and remain enrolled in, six courses, or course equivalents.
The following information is to be provided by the student at his or her enrolment interview, prior to the finalisation of course choices. If you do not have a copy of these documents, contact the school at which the student sat NAPLAN or OLNA. Course selections will not be finalised until this information has been supplied.
- Course Selection Form (the student will print this at the completion of his/her online course selection process (SSO).
- Latest school report (Year 10 Semester One)
- Year 9 NAPLAN results.
- OLNA results (unless the student prequalified through his/her Year 9 NAPLAN results)
ATAR Pathway Course Selections
The philosophy at Mindarie Senior College is to allow students to attempt university pathway courses only if they meet the minimum entrance requirements outlined in the curriculum handbook. All students aiming for entry to university directly from Year 12 will be required to enrol in a minimum of five (5) ATAR pathway courses.
Year 12 Courses
ATAR Pathway
In line with our Academic Standards Policy, students must have achieved a predicted ATAR of greater than 60 across a minimum of FOUR ATAR courses at the end of Year 11 to remain in the ATAR program. If this is not achieved a student may choose one of the following options:
Although five (5) is the recommended number of ATAR pathway courses for a student aiming for university, Year 12 students may apply to complete a minimum of four (4) ATAR pathway courses, along with two other courses or course equivalents.
Withdrawing from a Course to have Independent Study Time
This option may be available to students in Year 12 and is allocated on the basis of academic merit or when, in the opinion of College staff, it is seen to benefit a student’s educational outcomes. As a guide, Year 12 ATAR pathway students may withdraw from one course for study time at the start of Year 12, provided they have passed all six (6) courses in Year 11 and have achieved a ‘B’ average in five (5) of those courses. Students may also need to demonstrate a capacity to effectively use independent study time. Applications must be made to an Associate Principal and will be considered on an individual basis.
Changing Courses
When a student selects a program of study, they are committing to the courses for the duration of the program. Course changes are discouraged and can be avoided if students:
If a student realises that they are not in an appropriate course (e.g. too difficult or too easy), it is recommended that the student arranges to meet with the Manager of Student Studies or an Associate Principal as soon as possible and, at the latest, prior to the end of Week 4, Term 1. Any student who changes a course after the commencement of the course must catch up on any work missed in the new course selected. Course changes may also result in an increase in course charges.
We look forward to receiving your application. Please contact the College directly with any questions you may have.