World’s Greatest Shave

On Tuesday, the 9th of March the College came together for the World’s Greatest Shave fundraiser to support the Leukaemia Foundation and help raise money for vital research to ensure more children can survive blood cancers like lymphoma, leukaemia and myeloma. This is the 7th year the College has supported the cause.
There was an excited energy in the air as students gathered in the atrium and mezzanine to see the brave students donating their hair.
Before the ‘Shave’, Year 11 Leaders Mrs Ritz Lillywhite and Mrs Leah Allen introduced the new Year 11 Student Councillors to the College community and Associate Principal, Mr Jonathan Bromage presented the students with their badges. Congratulations to Samantha Buckingham, Maya Carey, Brynn Hill, Eve Kamugisha and Ashley Vincent for winning a position on the Student Council.
MSC teachers Mr White and Mr Hubery invited students to play a game of balloon juggling with some very interesting results.
Mr James McNeill, Teacher in Charge HASS started the ‘Shave’ by losing his silver locks and Mrs Julie West our Community Health Nurse cut off 20cm of her beautiful blonde hair.
The following students are to be acknowledged for their donation of hair to this great cause: Tamzen Yates, Jenson Lofts, Lee Meads and Keira Finn who raised $148.63 personally on her own WGS donation page.
The College community raised over $500 on the day. One student even donated $100!!!
Other events on the day were hair colouring, leg waxing, a sausage sizzle, icy pole sales and live music performances. All MSC students are to be congratulated for their involvement and participation throughout the event.
All donated hair will be sent to the sustainable organisation in Sydney who will use the hair for good.
Thanks also to the Student Services team who organised the day, the Year 11 and 12 Student Councillors for running the stalls, our music students for entertaining the crowd – Molly Day, Piper Day, Indi Leefe, Daniel Ainsworth, Isabelle Pitulej, Tayla Jacobs, Janelle Reyneke and Ellie Milne and all staff who a helped out on the day.
Through being involved in the World’s Greatest Shave the College community is participating in A_B_C = Act-Belong-Commit