World’s Greatest Shave – 14 March 2019

On Thursday, 14th March the College came together to support the World’s Greatest Shave which helps fund vital research so more people can survive blood cancers like lymphoma, leukaemia and myeloma.
Damon Mallows, Zack Graham and Myles White shaved their heads, all helping to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Zack went above and beyond and personally raised $600.
Congratulations to the College community for raising over $1261.90 for the cause. Other events on the day were hair colouring, leg waxing, a sausage sizzle and music performances. All MSC students are to be congratulated for their involvement and participation throughout the day.
A big thank you to Woolworths Clarkson for donating $100 towards the sausage sizzle.
Thanks also to the Student Services team who organised the day and staff who also helped out on the day. Special thanks to the Year 12 Music students who entertained students and staff throughout the afternoon.