2022 Presentation Evening

October 26, 2022
2022 Presentation Evening

Congratulations to our Class of 2022!   Your final two years of schooling are now complete!

Tuesday, 25 October saw a wonderful night of celebration for our Year 12 cohort with over 1400 family, friends, staff and guests gathering to farewell the Class of 2022 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. This was the final formal event recognising our Year 12 students’ completion of twelve years of compulsory education. 

Congratulations to the following students for winning awards on the night:


  • Jake Broughton – DUX ATAR
  • Chloe Fairbairn – DUX GENERAL


  • Ampol Best All Rounder Award – Joe Quirk
  • ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award – Eve Kamugisha
  • ADF Future Innovators Award – Tianna Slade
  • Art Acquisition Award – Mia-Lynn Rheeder
  • City of Wanneroo Citizenship Award – Ethan Luxford
  • City of Wanneroo Citizenship Award – Edie Clark
  • Follow the Dream Award – Cameron Shanks
  • Keiki Early Learning Childcare Achievement Award – Alyssa Ayton
  • North Metropolitan Education Region “Commitment to Excellence” Award – Jake Broughton
  • Principal’s Award – Elissa Ford
  • The Tracey Roberts Leadership Prize – Adam Exley

To see the list of all the Course Awards presented on the night, click ‘HERE’.

The College would like to thank the special guests who took time to attend the Presentation Evening:

  • Mr Alton Walley, Welcome to Country
  • Mr Sam Bloor, Guest Speaker
  • Mr Mark Folkard MLA – WA Labor Member for Burns Beach
  • Mrs Sue Egerton – College Board Member 
  • Mr Mike Gilbert – College Board Member
  • Mr Steve Leach – College Board Member
  • Mrs Joanne Harris – Director of Education, North Meropolitan Regional Education Office
  • Ms Dale Beaton – Principal, Kinross College
  • Mrs Krisz Wiltshire – Keiki Early Learning Co-ordinator
  • Ms Kristy Gamble, Follow the Dream Co-ordinator
  • Ms Jaime Brooks – Follow the Dream Tutor

A special acknowledgement must be given to our Year 12 Leaders, Mrs Leah Allen and Mrs Ritz Lillywhite, for the organisation and running of the night as well as the Student Services team and all the staff who contributed to ensure the night ran smoothly.