2020 World’s Greatest Shave – March 12

March 5, 2020
2020 World’s Greatest Shave – March 12

Yesterday, on Thursday 12th March,  the College held the World’s Greatest Shave fundraiser to support the Leukaemia Foundation and help raise money for vital research to ensure more children can survive blood cancers like lymphoma, leukaemia and myeloma.
There was an enthusiastic buzz in the air as students gathered around to see the event unfold.  There was live music, leg waxing, hair colouring and a sausage sizzle as well as the main event – shaving off hair!!!

Six brave students and staff ended up volunteering to shave or cut their hair for the cause.
•    Mrs Janice Sander – Principal
•    Mr Scott Paisely – Teacher
•    Jayden Dean – Year 11
•    Adam Englert – Year 11
•    Piper Day – Year 11
•    Rebecca Robson – Year 12

We also had a former student, Jacob Bicknell, who happened to be at the College teaching Yoga to the sports students who decided to be involved and shave his long dreadlocks off!!  Associate Principal, Mr Rick Gendle also ended up having a number 1 on his head with a tidy up of the brows and mow…

A big thank you to our hairdresser on the day, Ms Alison Jardine who shaved and cut the volunteers hair throughout the afternoon along with teachers Ms Sarah McClure and Mr Mischa Beyeler.  Special mention to Chela Dawson and Lauren Stacy from the Leukaemia Foundation for supporting our event and David Baylis from Community News for capturing the event on camera (watch out for the article in the local paper and online).

A massive acknowledgement to the Student Services team for putting the event together and making it the biggest and most successful to date.  Thanks also to Ms Sarah Bentley, Manager of Student Services for taking on the role of MC!
The College would like to acknowledge and thank all the students who participated in the events and who made a donation on the day. Two students donated $200 each and another student donated $99.  That was amazing, thank you!!!!

Mrs Janice Sander is still fundraising for the event until 18 June via the World’s Greatest Shave (link below), so it’s not too late to donate to this worthwhile cause.

With the College community being involved in this community fundraising event it gives us a sense of belonging and purpose which contributes to good mental health for all. Act-Belong-Commit actbelongcommit.org.au