SIS20319 – Certificate II in Sports Coaching

SIS20319 – Certificate II in Sports Coaching
This is a proposed offering for the 2025 academic year. At the time of publication, no agreements have been entered into with a Registered Training Organisation for the delivery of this qualification. On the basis of interest from students in this qualification, the school will initiate a formal partnership agreement with a RTO for the delivery of the qualification.
General Pathway
Estimated Cost: $130.00
Course Outline
This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to conduct pre-planned coaching sessions with foundation level participants.
This qualification provides a pathway to work in assistant coaching roles working or volunteering at community-based sports clubs and organisations in the Australian sport industry. Individuals with this qualification use a defined and limited range of basic coaching skills to engage participants in a specific sport and are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks using limited practical skills and basic sport industry knowledge. They work under the supervision of a coach.
Possible job role titles depend on the specific sport may include assistant coach.
The course is project and observation based where students develop and demonstrate key competencies. All competencies must be deemed competent to achieve the certificate by the end of the year. This includes numerous excursions and incursions that are mandatory.
Unit of Competency:
- SISSSOF002 – Continuously Improve Officiating Skills and Knowledge
- SISSPAR009 – Participate in Conditioning for Sport
- SISSSCO001- Conduct Sport Coaching Sessions with Foundation Level Participants
- SISSSCO002- Work in a Community Coaching Role
- SISSSCO003- Meet Participants Coaching Needs
- HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid
- SIRXWHS001 – Work Safely
Minimum Entrance Requirements
Further Study
Certificate III in Fitness
Certificate III in Sport Coaching
North Metropolitan TAFE