English ATAR

English ATAR
Course Code - ATENG
University Pathway
Estimated Cost: $79.00
Course Outline
Students explore representations of themes, issues, ideas and concepts through a comparison of texts. They analyse and compare the relationships between language, genre and contexts, comparing texts within and/or across different genres and modes.
Students recognise and analyse the conventions of genre in texts and consider how those conventions may assist interpretation. Through close study of texts, students explore relationships between content and structure, voice and perspectives and the text and context. This provides the opportunity for students to extend their experience of language and of texts and explore their ideas through their own reading and viewing.
Students compare and evaluate the effect of different media, forms and modes on the structure of texts and how audiences respond to them. Understanding of these concepts is demonstrated through the creation of imaginative, interpretive, persuasive and analytical responses.
Minimum Entrance Requirements
Succesful completion of Year 11 ATAR English