2022 Health Expo

On Thursday, 16 June Mindarie Senior College hosted the annual Health Expo, which was attended by all students and staff.
The expo was opened with a Welcome to Country by our College Captains, Adam Exley and Vienna Hjelte-Lachs. Followed by students exploring the many exhibits on display and getting involved in all the fun activities.
The students were also enlightened about Mental Health and the stigma surrounding it following a Presentation by LIVIN #itaintweaktospeak.
The College would like to acknowledge Mrs Adelle MacDonald and the Health & Phys-Ed teachers for the organisation of the event, the year 11 General Health students for their preparation and running of their stalls, and all staff who assisted throughout the day.
A special thanks must go to the exhibitors who participated in the event:
- Headspace
- City of Wanneroo
- WA AIDS Council
- Royal Life Saving
- Centre Care
- Community Health Nurse
- City of Joondalup
- Amanda Young Foundation
- Helping minds
- Smoothie Bike
- RYDE Program
- Zero2Hero