2019 Year 11 Reward Camp

Congratulations to the 44 Year 11 students who were invited to attend the annual ‘Reward Camp’ which was held from Tuesday, 3 December to Friday, 6 December in Margaret River.
Students were nominated by teachers based on the College Philosophies of;
- pursuing personal excellence
- building positive relationships
- demonstrating social responsibility
The students were accompanied by MSC staff and stayed at the Surfpoint Resort for the four days. Staff and students enjoyed fun activities like surfing, bike riding, bush walks and evening games. They also visited Mammoth Cave, Candy Cow, Margaret River Chocolate Factory, Yallingup Maze and more. Even a broken down bus could not dampen their spirits!!!
Well done to these students for earning their invitation to attend and for making it an enjoyable experience for all.
We would like to encourage all the incoming Year 11 students to endeavour to be nominated to attend the camp in 2020 by attending regularly and working to the best of their ability.