2019 Arts Week

Last week the College held its annual ‘Arts Week’ at the College.
The event started on Monday, 9 September with the Visual Art exhibition featuring our Year 12 graduate students’ artwork. Congratulations to all our exhibitors for a fantastic display of work. The following students received awards:
• Kristen Ainsworth – Acquisition Award
• Sky Walker – Acquisition Award
• Monica Maloney – Principal’s Card
A big thank you to Mr Mark Folkard MLA, Member for Burns Beach for his kind donation of $500 for the Acquisition Awards.
The second item on the night was the Drama production featuring our Year 11 and 12 Drama students, with some very moving performances. Well done to all the students who wrote and produced all their own performances.
On Tuesday, 10 September, we were given an insight into our Media students creativeness with their own video productions and photographic display.
The second half of the programme was Dance with the Year 11 and 12 Dance students performing and it was wonderful to see the Year 10 Dance students from Kinross College included in the show again.
The final night for Arts Week was Music night on Wednesday, 11 September. A fabulous finale for the week with the Music students performing their original songs from the CD that they produced.
A copy of the CD “The Green Room” can be purchased from the College Reception for $12 a copy.
All events were well supported by students, staff, parents and friends as well as special guests: Prof. Steve Chapman, College Board Member and ECU Vice Chancellor; Mrs Sue Egerton, College Board Member; Mr Mark Folkard, Member for Burns Beach; Mr Rod Buckenara, Principal Kinross College; Mr Steve Adcock, Manager Arts Kinross College and Mr David & Mrs Mary Smith from Cambrai Village.